Author, Pastor & Counselor

Gwen Thompson has been in ministry for over 20 years. She is an anointed and gifted preacher. She is also a prayer warrior who stays before GOD with the issues of life, family, and friends. When GOD brings someone before her she falls to her knees in prayer. She is full of compassion, faith, love, and grace and the favor of GOD is upon her. She is anointed to teach the word of GOD for all to understand. She is a licensed & ordained minister who loves GOD.
Gwen along with her husband counsels married couples at all levels according to the word of GOD. She has been married to her husband Dwayne for over 26 years and still going strong, with two daughters, 6 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren.
Gwen has made many. many mistakes, wrong turns, and decisions, that have caused pain, guilt, hurt, agony, and destroyed her self-esteem along with even some suicidal attempts but “Thanks be to GOD” HE had a mission for her and some forgiveness but she’s still here to share her story.
Gwen is free now to help unlock the bondage of others as GOD leads and the Holy Spirit comforts. She is the CEO of " A Night With The King" and she and her husband are Pastors of INTENTIONAL MINISTRIES.