I want to love me but I don't know how, what will it take for me to be able to feel the way I want others to treat me. What do I do when it's just not enough and I can't seem to love me. How do I love who I am, how do I love the person that I have become or the person that I would like to become. Where is that person that I long to love and cherish, that person that looks in the mirror and loves what I see. Where is she and how do I find her to love her. I've search deep within but still can't seem to love myself. I wear clothes that make me feel some kind of way, but can't love me. Somehow I need to know that all the love I have for others some of that is right here for me. God teach me the love that you have for me so that I may love myself the way YOU do. John 3:16 for God so loved the world that HE gave his only begotten son, to love us, care for us, and die for us, so that we can love and be loved.
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