I find that loving me in my mind isn't always the right thing to do. I wonder why I feel this way, is it a matter of my self-esteem or is it that I really don't know how to love me. How do I love me, do I love me the way that I love others, or do I love me the way that I want others to love me. What then is loving myself, is it to only look out for myself or is it just do what I think I should be doing? By being a good person, or by being the person that someone else wants to love. If love is just for me then why don't I feel like I'm loving me. Why do I have these feelings of self-worth, not feeling worthy of my own love. Feeling like I need someone that will love me when I can't even love me. I'm looking for love but it's not there. But then one day the love that I need came to me when I really didn't know what to do with it.....this love I found for myself was there all the time, it just got covered up with all the crap that I was listening to by other people which made me not want to love me. I then found out that Jesus loved me and the love HE had for me, made me want to love myself. I now can say that I love me, I love all of me, my big butt, my short hair, my small slanted eyes, and the smile that I never wanted anyone to see. I love even the me that I never wanted to love. I'm in love with me! I found that if I love me everyone else's love is just a bonus!
Loving me is so RIGHT!